February 25, 2005

Chris just amuses me sometimes.

siriusgraphics: As if to predict tomorrow's events, "Thriller" by Michael Jackson just cued up...
kiltedcueball: I thought about trying to find that at Screenplay last night, just for giggles
kiltedcueball: Or trying to find my "Piny Eye" episode of South Park
kiltedcueball: Pink Eye
siriusgraphics: Ah... all the uses for Worchestireshire sauce...
kiltedcueball: You know it!
kiltedcueball: At least it wasn't something obvious, like calamine lotion.
kiltedcueball: We're going to have about 10 movies from which to choose
siriusgraphics: or windex.
siriusgraphics: wow, that'll take us,,, most of the day and night...
kiltedcueball: True! Did you see My Big Fat Greek Wedding recently?
siriusgraphics: never seen
kiltedcueball: It's amazing, the number of uses that people can have for Windex.
kiltedcueball: In the movie, her father uses it as the first line of treatment for any physical ailment.
siriusgraphics: lol.
kiltedcueball: Four-inch gash in the forearm? Spray it with Windex, whether the recipient wanted it or not
kiltedcueball: BTW, you ever listen to G Love?
siriusgraphics: Oh, have to share this with you.... The phrase of the month is "Old School" for me.. First, the incident at Chez Patterson with Jacob, then last night,
kiltedcueball: I'm listening to one called Back of the Bus that has a pretty cool sound
kiltedcueball: Oh, no
kiltedcueball: Chris is getting old
kiltedcueball: er
kiltedcueball: ish
siriusgraphics: then I had to explain to Maddy, a SCAD student, that the phrase did not, in fact refer to the MOVIE. Rather the movie was a play-on-words that reference the phrase.
kiltedcueball: Oh, dear god
kiltedcueball: We are old. OLD. OLD
siriusgraphics: Here's the transcript:
siriusgraphics: SiriusGraphics: ah... old school...
indianamaddy: old school?
SiriusGraphics: "old school" comedy, as in the previous generation.
indianamaddy: ah okay lol I was thinkikng you meant they said it in that movie "old school"
indianamaddy: but right no I know what it means in "old school" terms
indianamaddy: I understand
indianamaddy: were cool ;)
SiriusGraphics: well, the movie title is a play on words, since it actually dealt with their OLD SCHOOL...
SiriusGraphics: haha
SiriusGraphics: god, I just sucked the comedy right out of that didn't I?
indianamaddy: ah got it and its fine lol
kiltedcueball: HAHAHAHAHAHA
siriusgraphics: Things have become so META over the past 20 years, a new generation thinks that movies and cartoons that reference previous pop culture are the originals.
kiltedcueball: Yeah, I know. We love the new Pixar stuff because they throw the occasional obne to our generation without making us feel too stupid.
kiltedcueball: Why else would we have love the Animaniacs so much?
siriusgraphics: Case and point
kiltedcueball: Just once, though , I would love to find a disgruntled employee at Cartoon Network.
kiltedcueball: Wait until these kids today are settling in for a round of Dragonball GT
siriusgraphics: And Pixar is f-ing brilliant. They write stories that appeal to parents, but characters and situations that appeal to Kids.
kiltedcueball: and air AKIRA instead
siriusgraphics: YES!!!
kiltedcueball: in full technicolor glory
kiltedcueball: no commercials
kiltedcueball: no editing
kiltedcueball: and follow it up with Fist of the North Star
siriusgraphics: The Director's cut with full frontal.
kiltedcueball: Yeah.
kiltedcueball: Show them little fuckers what it like, kickin it old school
kiltedcueball: Hang on, I gotta soak my teeth
kiltedcueball: stinking efferdent
kiltedcueball: I can't ever get the little pouches open, so I have to use scissors
kiltedcueball: damned arthritis
siriusgraphics: okay, okay. I gotta get to work now...
kiltedcueball: I gotta call those Depends people. Those things leak like sieves
siriusgraphics: You can borrow some from Matthew tomorrow.

February 14, 2005


I took Stacey out yesterday. We went for massages at Spa Sydell, then dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. When she was about two-thirds done with her cheesecake (and therefore likely to be in good spirits), I got down on one knee, gave her the ring and asked her to marry me.

She was not disinclined to acquiesce to my request.

We don't have a date set, or anything like that. We're handling things one at a time, and next on the agenda will be closing on the house this Friday.

Chris pointed out something that both Stacey and I realized is pointedly true: I did everything bass-ackwards. I got the kids, then the house, then the wedding.

What can I say? I gotta be meeeeeeee. . . . .

Lunch with Chris and Justin

kiltedcueball: Just had Moe's. I think I gained 20 pounds in 30 minutes.
SiriusGraphics: yeah, I ate at Chipotle, which is basically the same thing. a hobbit friend of ours turned Me and I on to the place . Kind of like an upscale Moe's. They don't give you chips and salsa with your burrito, but they do have Barbacoa (spicy BBQ), which makes it worth it IMHO
kiltedcueball: Nice. Didja know McDonald's owns that franchise? Kind of weird, since I've heard nothing but good about it.
SiriusGraphics: Chipotle or Moe's?
kiltedcueball: Chipotle.
SiriusGraphics: hmm.. now that I think about it... they didn't say it was BBQ "Beef" per se, just barbecue...
SiriusGraphics: might be kangaroo
kiltedcueball: Hope you like 'roo meat
SiriusGraphics: well, I do if it tastes like that! I'd eat up half of Australia.
kiltedcueball: Sounds like a plan!
SiriusGraphics: gives a new meaning to "Kangaroo Jack", which now makes me think of it smothered with cheese.
kiltedcueball: Just no mayo, mmkay?
SiriusGraphics: no problem. well gotta go take a Carbo-Nap. c-ya.
kiltedcueball: nighty night

February 09, 2005

Worst Girlfriend Ever

When Neal Boortz calls her the Girlfriend From Hell, you know it's rough.

Woman Faces Perjury Charges After Men Jailed In Bogus Attacks

POSTED: 10:03 pm EST February 3, 2005
UPDATED: 10:44 pm EST February 8, 2005
At 5-foot-9, 140 pounds, 25-year-old Beate Faanis cut a stunning figure as a University of Central Florida golfer, and she quickly caught the eye of fellow golfer Trason Brooks.

"Tall girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, pretty girl," Brooks recalled of his first impression of the Norweigian-born clinical social worker. They would date off and on over 18 months, but after their last break-up things turned downright bizarre.

The first sign of trouble came August 8, when Brooks was arrested while working at the Stoneybrook East golf club and charged with attempted first-degree murder and aggravated stalking. "Absolutely unbelievable," he thought, having no idea at the time from where the charges came.

Read on. . . .

February 07, 2005

Shoot Me, Please

I've just re-discovered something that had been long forgotten. In my house, there are kids from elementary, middle and high school. The boys also participate in basketball. It's easy to forget, when one has the constitution of an ox, exactly how many different ailments can be brought home by a little one.

On the upside, Loner's started forcing me to ingest hot toddies, so life ain't all bad.


February 02, 2005


Linked Guest Movie Review - AVP by James Lileks

Alien Vs. Predator” I knew it was bad. The DVD box might as well have said “Buckets O’ Shite!” – Roger Ebert on the front in 72 pt type, and I still would have rented it, because, well, Alien! Vs.! Predator! Even though I didn’t much like the Predator movies, and hated the fourth Alien like a retinal cyst, I had to see it. Got about one-third through it before overcome with boredom and disinterest, and the nagging sense that the director did not take the source material seriously. No! you say. True. Apparently the chest-bursters’ incubation period is now one minute, for today’s attention-deficit audiences. Those leisurely days of waiting ten minutes before the chest cracks open are gone, alas, unless Merchant-Ivory directs the next one.