Chris just amuses me sometimes. | ![]() |
siriusgraphics: As if to predict tomorrow's events, "Thriller" by Michael Jackson just cued up...
kiltedcueball: I thought about trying to find that at Screenplay last night, just for giggles
kiltedcueball: Or trying to find my "Piny Eye" episode of South Park
kiltedcueball: Pink Eye
siriusgraphics: Ah... all the uses for Worchestireshire sauce...
kiltedcueball: You know it!
kiltedcueball: At least it wasn't something obvious, like calamine lotion.
kiltedcueball: We're going to have about 10 movies from which to choose
siriusgraphics: or windex.
siriusgraphics: wow, that'll take us,,, most of the day and night...
kiltedcueball: True! Did you see My Big Fat Greek Wedding recently?
siriusgraphics: never seen
kiltedcueball: It's amazing, the number of uses that people can have for Windex.
kiltedcueball: In the movie, her father uses it as the first line of treatment for any physical ailment.
siriusgraphics: lol.
kiltedcueball: Four-inch gash in the forearm? Spray it with Windex, whether the recipient wanted it or not
kiltedcueball: BTW, you ever listen to G Love?
siriusgraphics: Oh, have to share this with you.... The phrase of the month is "Old School" for me.. First, the incident at Chez Patterson with Jacob, then last night,
kiltedcueball: I'm listening to one called Back of the Bus that has a pretty cool sound
kiltedcueball: Oh, no
kiltedcueball: Chris is getting old
kiltedcueball: er
kiltedcueball: ish
siriusgraphics: then I had to explain to Maddy, a SCAD student, that the phrase did not, in fact refer to the MOVIE. Rather the movie was a play-on-words that reference the phrase.
kiltedcueball: Oh, dear god
kiltedcueball: We are old. OLD. OLD
siriusgraphics: Here's the transcript:
siriusgraphics: SiriusGraphics: ah... old school...
indianamaddy: old school?
SiriusGraphics: "old school" comedy, as in the previous generation.
indianamaddy: ah okay lol I was thinkikng you meant they said it in that movie "old school"
indianamaddy: but right no I know what it means in "old school" terms
indianamaddy: I understand
indianamaddy: were cool ;)
SiriusGraphics: well, the movie title is a play on words, since it actually dealt with their OLD SCHOOL...
SiriusGraphics: haha
SiriusGraphics: god, I just sucked the comedy right out of that didn't I?
indianamaddy: ah got it and its fine lol
kiltedcueball: HAHAHAHAHAHA
siriusgraphics: Things have become so META over the past 20 years, a new generation thinks that movies and cartoons that reference previous pop culture are the originals.
kiltedcueball: Yeah, I know. We love the new Pixar stuff because they throw the occasional obne to our generation without making us feel too stupid.
kiltedcueball: Why else would we have love the Animaniacs so much?
siriusgraphics: Case and point
kiltedcueball: Just once, though , I would love to find a disgruntled employee at Cartoon Network.
kiltedcueball: Wait until these kids today are settling in for a round of Dragonball GT
siriusgraphics: And Pixar is f-ing brilliant. They write stories that appeal to parents, but characters and situations that appeal to Kids.
kiltedcueball: and air AKIRA instead
siriusgraphics: YES!!!
kiltedcueball: in full technicolor glory
kiltedcueball: no commercials
kiltedcueball: no editing
kiltedcueball: and follow it up with Fist of the North Star
siriusgraphics: The Director's cut with full frontal.
kiltedcueball: Yeah.
kiltedcueball: Show them little fuckers what it like, kickin it old school
kiltedcueball: Hang on, I gotta soak my teeth
kiltedcueball: stinking efferdent
kiltedcueball: I can't ever get the little pouches open, so I have to use scissors
kiltedcueball: damned arthritis
siriusgraphics: okay, okay. I gotta get to work now...
kiltedcueball: I gotta call those Depends people. Those things leak like sieves
siriusgraphics: You can borrow some from Matthew tomorrow.