August 31, 2004


Have you ever had the unexplainable urge for a Slim Jim and a Mistic? I never did, until yesterday around 1:00 PM. In the past 13 years, I've probably consumed two Slim Jims, total. Both of them have been in the past week. And Mistic? A Snapple-like juice drink that I haven't had since 1996. But for some reason I just could not concentrate on my work and go on with my day until I drove to the Chevron station and consumed both of them, together.

Sure enough, once both were safely in my stomach, my brain let me get to work again. They weren't even particularly good, but I simply HAD to gave them, THAT INSTANT. I can't explain it. Even if the rumors are true and the Marlboro cigarette people are putting tobacco leaves in the Slim Jim sausage presses, it doesn't explain how this craving came out of nowhere. Pregnancy can be safely ruled out, but I'm clueless after that.


At August 31, 2004 at 9:34 AM, Blogger Badpatty said...

In light of the strange cravings and the effect that they have on your thinking, I believe that it would be premature to rule out pregnancy.

At September 1, 2004 at 12:19 PM, Blogger Loner said...

My professional nursing diagnosis is sympathy cravings, you may not be pregnant but maybe Mel has something to share. If she also needs a Mistic, well draw your own conclusions.

Me, I craved those ham and cheese sandwiches from teh vending machine when I was pregnant - terrible salty things...oh man, I have to go get one - right now!!

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