Kerry Unwisely Chooses Slogan | ![]() |
Web mag Slate published a review of John Kerry's slogan "Let America be Ameica Again," based on it's questionable source:
Last month, Chatterbox urged John Kerry to drop the campaign slogan, "Let America be America again." Instead, Kerry has wrapped his arms more tightly around the slogan's regrettable source. As Chatterbox noted in the earlier column, "Let America be America again" comes from a poem published in 1938 by the Harlem renaissance poet Langston Hughes. But Hughes intended the line ironically. A black man living in the pre-civil rights era would have had to be insane to look back to a golden age of freedom and equality in America, and Hughes was not insane. Hughes was, rather, an enthusiastic cheerleader for the Soviet Union at the time he wrote "Let America Be America Again," which explains the poem's agitprop tone. "I am the young man, full of strength and hope," Hughes writes in the poem:
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
Of grab the gold!
Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
Of work the men! Of take the pay!
Of owning everything for one's own greed!
Toil good, private ownership bad, etc. Hughes ends his poem on a more hopeful note ("America never was America to me/ And yet I swear this oath—/ America will be!"), but the future Hughes imagined for America when he wrote those words probably looked a lot like Stalinist Russia.
LiveJournal author called "agreatnotion" adds some suggestions for literary revisions:
from Ginsberg's "America:
"America I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel. Vote Kerry."
"America stop pushing me I know what I am doing. Vote Kerry."
"America why are your libraries full of tears? Vote Kerry."
from e.e. cummings:
"a politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man. vote kerry, his arse is fresher than Bush's."
from Lawrence Ferlinghetti's "I am Waiting":
"Are you waiting for the American Eagle to really spread its wings and straighten up and fly right? Vote Kerry."
"I am waiting for the lost music to sound again in the Lost Continent in a new rebirth of wonder. Vote Kerry."
Johnny said it was a hat,
so I put it on.
Now, Dad's screaming "Where the heck's
the toilet plunger gone?"
Vote Kerry!
-Shel Silverstein
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