Friends, Indeed. | ![]() |
At this point, I would like to thank my plotting, scheming, going-behind-my-back friends for plotting, scheming and for going behind my back.
Sitting at my desk today, I had cause to ponder the friendships that I have. There have been several that are like those orange circus peanuts: sweet, full of flavor, yet very short-lived and lacking in substance. More to be cherished, though, are those who make life like living with honeysuckle in the yard: always there, coming through year after year, generally making life a better experience. My life is like a pecan tree from which the loose nuts have been shaken loose, with only the really hard-core nuts still hanging on. You know who you are.
Just thinking of the contributors to this forum sends me reeling down memory lane. I don't think I could tally the incredible, raw cookie-dough goodness that these folks have brought to my life. Flamer bailed me out of jail, welcomed me into his house once a week for years, and took care of me after I'd lost a really bad fight with some tequila. Mel has been my infrequent confessor (handy having a Catholic around!), a constant personification of joie de vivre, and the woman who has made Chris happy for these many years. Chris has chased women and dogs (honestly, literally) with me, been a brother when I needed one and is a constant source of amusement.
Vaughan, well. . . . sorry, mate. You amuse me, but not that much.
Especially after this weekend's antics, I'm glad you sneaky little shits are my friends (read: I'm glad you're on my side). I appreciate you.
Well, Glad to be considered one of the good, um.. nuts.. from your tree... ;-)
I would like to second the thanks!
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